So, I've had a relatively O-K day today. My morning could've been better, though. I woke up earlier than desired this morning. I had a nightmare - which is weird, because I never dream. I can't really remember what happened in it, other than it was really really dark, and I was running away from something. Still kinda gives me the chills. On the bright side, I was able to see the sunrise. It was really pretty. The sky was all yellow and pink.
Later, I went to town with my mom. We hit some old second hand shops and I picked up a nice hat at one of them. On the way back home, we saw - well, I saw, my mom was busy driving - some weird guy in a suit standing in a clearing pretty close to where our house is. My mom and I joked it was one of the Observers from the Fringe show. Heh, next thing you know a portal to another universe is going to open up around here.
Oh, and last night was yet another silent one. No bugs or birds. I think I'm just gonna skip out on sitting outside until this silence is over with. It's really unnerving to sit out there with no sound at all.
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